
    / R.M.B.S


We begin at the end with a receipt printer, a critical text machine that operates at the press of a button. Out comes a short dark tale of the investments made in the years before the financial crisis. The story is shot through with the jargon of the financial industries—‘credit-default-swaps made on subprime-mortgage bonds’—and inspired by the dusky light of Francisco Goya’s etching The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (1797). Work made in collaboration with Lia Forslund.

RMBS was first shown at Balance Sheets, a group exhibition at the Edouard Malingue Gallery in Hong Kong in June 2015.

'Balance Sheets is an international group show that draws out relationships between ideas of balance in aesthetics, economics and ecological thinking'
—Kit Hammonds, Curator of the Show.

Press Includes:
Balance Sheets, South China Morning Post
Balance Sheets, Eduard Malingue Gallery